About Me

Dame Barbara Cartland

Dame Barbara Cartland

Traditional Regency romances have always been my favorite romance genre. I first developed my love for the English Regency period by reading Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.

When I was a young teenager, my sisters and I discovered Barbara Cartland, and we devoured her romance novels.

As we got older, we graduated to reading Georgette Heyer’s Regencies and marveled over her sophisticated plots, period details and vivid characters.

Georgette Heyer in an undated photo.

Georgette Heyer in an undated photo.

We even tried our hands at writing romances of our own, weaving stories of high drama and delicious romance that we read to each other while our parents were at work. Looking back, I remember those stories were short and had some pretty preposterous plot lines. But at the time, my sisters and I were hugely entertained, and isn’t that the purpose of a good story: to entertain?

Over the years I continued to read romances and I continued to write them. With each book my writing improved and eventually I worked up the courage to submit one of my books to a publisher. Kensington accepted the first Regency romance I ever wrote, Delightful Deception. Eventually I published six full-length Regency romance novels and four novellas with Kensington.

Along the way I’ve received letters from readers who told me they liked my books because they were “clean.” That’s a compliment I gladly accept. I’ve always tried to write my stories with an emphasis on the developing relationship between the hero and heroine. I want my stories to be about two people falling in love because that’s what I like to read; and, from the letters I receive, it sounds like there are readers who like to read the same books I do. And for that, I’m truly grateful!

In the end, I simply enjoy writing about a time and place where all the men are gentlemen, all the women are ladies and there’s always a fancy dress ball to attend. And I deeply appreciate the readers who enjoy visiting my world of Regency romance.

Nancy Lawrence

3 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I like what you say. Georgette Heyer is my all time favourite author. I love her subtle humour and unobtrusive detail. I’ve read all her Regency books many times. Twitter suggested I might like to follow you, which is how I came across your website. My own books are mostly set in the 1790s – as one or two of Heyer’s were too. Mine are mystery thrillers with romance and humour.

    • Hello, Dawn! In addition to sharing a love for Georgette Heyer, we also share a love of mysteries (I’ve read every Dick Francis I can get my hands on). Just downloaded Letter From a Dead Man from Amazon and I’m already hooked! All the best to you —Nancy

      • Thanks, Nancy. That is kind of you. I do hope you enjoy it. I have downloaded your latest book, “Miss Hamilton’s Hero.” And look forward very much to reading it, although I won’t get a chance until the weekend. I’m so glad you enjoy Dick Francis too. I’ve read every book he’s ever written. I like the way he keeps the story going in an upbeat manner, and doesn’t dwell on blood and gore. Very clever mysteries too. I like books that make me feel better for having read them. I don’t care for those that leave me feeling miserable, no matter how good they are! My eldest daughter is a writer too, and she feels exactly the same way.

        All the best to you too, and I hope your books do well.

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